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free asset ratio (FAR)

A solvency measure for an insurance company expressed as a percentage. It represents the market value of all assets in excess of liabilities and reserve obligations. For example if total assets are $60,000,000 and the liabilities and obligations in reserve funds equal $36,000,000, the free asset ratio is 30%. This ratio is a significant indicator of the insurance company's ability to expand.

Related information about free asset ratio (FAR):
  1. Free Asset Ratio (FAR) Definition | Investopedia
    The free asset ratio (FAR) is calculated by subtracting the required minimum margin of solvency from available assets and dividing this figure by admissible ...
  2. Free Asset Ratio (FAR) - InvestingAnswers
    We explain the definition of the Free Asset Ratio, provide a clear example of the formula and explain why it's an important concept in business, finance ...
  3. What is free asset ratio (FAR)? definition and meaning
    Definition of free asset ratio (FAR): A solvency measure for an insurance company expressed as a percentage. It represents the market value of all assets in ...
  4. Insurance Glossary - Free Asset Ratio - FAR
    What does Free Asset Ratio mean? Free Asset Ratio is basically a method which is employed by insurance companies, method by which they determine ...
  5. Free Asset Ratio - FAR
    Dec 1, 2010 ... Free Asset Ratio - FAR. The Free Asset Ratio, abbreviated as FAR measures how much financial, that is liquid, asset an insurance company ...
  6. Life office financial strength: Still going strong -
    Jul 24, 2012 ... In contrast to last year, results now show that life offices have experienced a slight dip in their free asset ratio (FAR). Table A, which can be ...
  7. Major insurers boast promising financial strength -
    Jul 20, 2012 ... Small mutual Teacher's Assurance once again ranked first in terms of realistic free asset ratio (FAR), although all companies experienced a dip ...
  8. Realistic valuation confirms Royal London's financial strength
    Apr 6, 2004 ... "The free asset ratio (FAR) at end 2003 on the statutory basis is 7.8%, almost identical to the 2002 FAR of 7.9%. However, the 2003 FAR is, ...