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One who guarantees an obligation and has a legal duty to fulfill it.

Related information about guarantor:
  1. guarantor - definition of guarantor by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    guar·an·tor (g r n-tôr , g r n-t r). n. 1. One, such as a person or corporation, that makes or gives a promise, assurance, or pledge typically relating to quality, ...
  2. Guarantor - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    guarantor n. a person or entity that agrees to be responsible for another's debt or performance under a contract, if the other fails to pay or perform.
  3. Guarantor Definition | Investopedia
    A person who guarantees to pay for someone else's debt if he or she should default on a loan obligation. A guarantor acts as a co-signor of sorts, in that they ...
  4. Surety - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The person or company that provides this promise, is also known as a surety or guarantor. The situation in which a surety is most typically required is when the ...
  5. Apartment Guarantors - Guarantors FAQ
    A: A guarantor is someone who signs the lease with you and takes on your ... A: Very often, a renter's parent acts as a guarantor, assuming the parent is in a ...
  6. Insurent Lease Guarantor Service – NYC Rental Cosigner ...
    Insurent lease guaranty will act as your apartment guarantor & rental cosigner on over 150000 NYC apartments. Qualify for your dream NYC apartment now!
  7. What Is a Guarantor?
    A guarantor is a person who pledges that a debt will be paid. Often used in loan agreements, guarantors can be held liable for...
  8. Guarantor - Merriam-Webster Online
    are now displayed on one page. guar·an·tor. noun \ˌger-ən-ˈtȯr, ˌgär-, ˌga-rən -; ˈgar-ən-tər, ˈgär-, ˈga-rən-\. Definition of GUARANTOR. 1. : one that gives ...