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involuntary conversion

Forced disposition of property due to condemnation, theft, or casualty.

Related information about involuntary conversion:
  1. Involuntary Conversion Definition | Investopedia
    ... in lieu of the property. Involuntary conversion can result in a possible gain or loss to the taxpayer, as long as the property was not the taxpayer's main home.
  2. Involuntary Conversion of Business Assets - Rural Tax
    This discussion will focus on the involuntary conversion of tangible personal property (i.e. ... replacement purchases as a result of an involuntary conversion.
  3. Defining an Involuntary Conversion
    The tax law provides relief for taxpayers that reinvest money obtained from an involuntary conversion. Because the nature of involuntary conversions varies in ...
  4. Involuntary Conversion - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    An IRS term meaning the involuntary loss of property through destruction or condemnation. The event can be a tax loss or a tax gain, depending on any ...
  5. 26 USC § 1033 - Involuntary conversions | LII / Legal Information ...
    If the property was acquired as the result of a compulsory or involuntary conversion described in subsection (a)(1), the basis shall be the same as in the case of ...
  6. Involuntary Conversion: Definition from
    condemnation or sudden destruction by nature. Example: Aproperty is taken by eminent domain for the purpose of constructing a public highway.
  7. Involuntary Conversion Lawyers | LegalMatch Law Library
    Feb 13, 2012 ... Find Involuntary Conversion Lawyers and Attorneys in your area. When a property is destroyed, stolen, condemned or disposed of under the ...
  8. What is involuntary conversion? definition and meaning
    Definition of involuntary conversion: Money or property received in ... Profit realized on involuntary conversion is generally tax-free if it is invested in a property ...