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match fund

To match a loan or other asset with a deposit of the same amount and maturity. The term is used in banking, especially in Europe, to describe the relationship between the deposits a bank is holding and its outstanding loans.

Related information about match fund:
  1. Match-fund - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A bank is said to match-fund a loan or other asset when it does so by buying ( taking) a deposit of the same maturity. The term is commonly used in the ...
  2. MatchFund

  3. Pure Michigan Venture Match Fund | Michigan Economic ...
    Apr 2, 2012 ... Welcome to the landing page for the Pure Michigan Venture Match Fund (PMVM Fund). Applications will be accepted starting April 2, 2012 and ...
  4. DFID - UK Aid Match
    Oct 25, 2012 ... Backing the public's choice: New scheme to match fund donations to charity appeals. The call for applications to DFID's pilot phase of UK Aid ...
  5. Insider - Match Funding of Mortgages
    Many institutions attempt to "match fund" their mortgage portfolios. This strategy involves structuring amortizing advance funding to match the anticipated ...
  6. Giving to Penn State - The Microfinance Match
    Through the new Microfinance Match Fund, Tom and Kristin are offering to match 2:1, up to a total of $100,000 in matching support, for any gift to a revolving ...
  7. Match fund
    A bank is said to match fund a loan or other asset when it does so by buying ( taking) a deposit of the same maturity. The term is commonly used in the ...
  8. Pure Michigan Venture Match Fund Accepting Applications From ...
    Mar 29, 2012 ... The Pure Michigan Venture Match Fund will match early stage investments from eligible venture lead investments in Michigan-based ...