Exchange Currency

neutral hedge ratio

The change in price of a call option for every one-point move in the price of the underlying security. also called hedge ratio or delta.

Related information about neutral hedge ratio:
  1. Neutral Hedge Ratio - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The change in the price of a call for every one unit of change in the price of the underlying asset. The neutral hedge ratio varies according to length of time until ...
  2. What is neutral hedge ratio? definition and meaning
    Definition of neutral hedge ratio: The change in price of a call option for every one-point move in the price of the underlying security. also called hedge ratio or ...
  3. neutral hedge ratio - Invest Definition
    neutral hedge ratio definition: The number of options contracts necessary to offset exactly any changes in the price of a contract's underlying asset. This ratio ...
  4. * Hedge ratio - (Stock market): Definition
    neutral hedge ratio The change in price of a call option for every one-point move in the price of... neutral spread Any profit-maximizing spread designed to create ...
  5. Convertible Arbitrage Strategy - AIMA Canada
    neutral hedge ratio are the key return drivers, though the use of leverage is often the largest contributor to total return (see Figure 2 below). B. Volatility Trading ...
  6. Delta Hedging Strategies |
    In this situation, a trader will have to short an escalating amount of underlying asset to rebalance to a neutral hedge ratio. Gamma describes precisely how much ...
  7. Schaeffer's Investment Research - Glossary
    Delta (also neutral hedge ratio) The percentage of price movement in the underlying stock that will be translated into the price movement in a particular option.
  8. 1.4 Theoretical Hedge Ratios
    The contract size is 1 000 000 USD. (a) Calculate a delta neutral hedge ratio assuming that . (b) Calculate the number of contracts required to hedge the position ...