Exchange Currency

odd-lot theory

A technical analysis theory based on using odd-lot trading behavior as a contrary indicator, under the assumption that odd lots are traded primarily by small investors who are on average less experienced than institutional investors. The theory has declined in popularity as historical data has failed to support it.

Related information about odd-lot theory:
  1. Odd Lot Theory Definition | Investopedia
    A technical analysis theory/indicator based on the assumption that the small individual investor is always wrong. Therefore, if odd lot sales are up - that is small ...
  2. Odd lotter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Odd lotters were central to a historical theory of technical analysis known as odd lot theory. Odd lot theory was predicated on the belief that one could outperform ...
  3. Odd-Lot Theory - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The theory that profits can be made by making trades contrary to odd-lot trading patterns, since odd-lot investors have poor timing. This theory is no longer ...
  4. What is odd-lot theory? definition and meaning
    Definition of odd-lot theory: A technical analysis theory based on using odd-lot trading behavior as a contrary indicator, under the assumption that odd lots are ...
  5. Odd-Lot Theory Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers
    We explain the definition of Odd-Lot Theory, provide a clear example of how it works and explain why it's an important concept in business, finance & investing.
  6. Odd Lot Theory: Definition from
    historical theory that the Odd Lot investorthe small personal investor who trades in less than 100-share quantities is usually guilty of bad timing and.
  7. Odd-lot theory Definition -
    Odd-lot theory: read the definition of Odd-lot theory and 8000+ other financial and investing terms in the Financial Glossary.
  8. odd-lot theory - Invest Definition
    odd-lot theory definition: The technical theory that holds that an investor should make investment decisions contrary to what the odd-lotters, on balance, are ...