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operating revenue

A company's reported income after expenses have been deducted.

Related information about operating revenue:
  1. Operating Revenue Definition | Investopedia
    Income derived from sources related to a company's everyday business operations. For example, in the case of a retail business, inventory sales generate ...
  2. What is operating revenue? definition and meaning
    Definition of operating revenue: Net sales revenue and other amounts derived from the primary business operations of a company.
  3. Operating Revenue - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The revenue a company receives in the course of its normal operations. Examples include sales and commissions, as well as other things that may vary ...
  4. Operating Revenue Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers
    We explain the definition of Operating Revenue, provide a clear example of how it works and explain why it's an important concept in business, finance ...
  5. What Is Operating Revenue?
    Nov 12, 2012 ... Operating revenue is income that's generated by the day-to-day operations of a business. When calculating operating revenue, a...
  6. Operating Revenue: Definition from
    Net sales plus other regular income sources related to the normal business operations of the entity (e.g., lease income if a major activity)
  7. Other Operating Revenue - Business Plan Software Help
    Other Operating Revenue. FINANCIAL PLAN > Revenue > Other operating revenue. The "Other operating revenue" worksheet is intended to plan for a revenues ...
  8. operating revenue - Dictionary, translation, definition - Reverso
    operating revenue translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'operate',operate on',operation',operational', example of use, definition, ...