Exchange Currency


A condition in which a price or value is greater than the intrinsic value. The stated earnings of a company could be overinflated on the company's books, which makes performance look better than it actually is. Investors should watch for overinflated data when researching securities.

Related information about overinflated:
  1. Overinflated - Merriam-Webster Online
    Synonyms of overinflated from the Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus with antonyms, definitions, Word of the Day, and word games.
  2. What is overinflated? definition and meaning
    Definition of overinflated: A condition in which a price or value is greater than the intrinsic value. The stated earnings of a company could be overinflated on the ...
  3. overinflated - WordWeb Online
    Adjective: overinflated 'ow-vu-rin'fley-tid. Represented as greater than is true or reasonable "an overinflated opinion of oneself"; - exaggerated, overdone ...
  4. Tire Tech Information - Air Pressure - Correct, Underinflated and ...
    An overinflated tire is stiff and unyielding and the size of its footprint in contact ... If a vehicle's tires are overinflated by 6 psi, they could be damaged more easily ...
  5. Definition of overinflated
    overinflated definition and meaning by Oxford University Press.
  6. overinflated - Wiktionary
    overinflated (comparative more overinflated, superlative most overinflated) ... As a callow sixth-former with an overinflated sense of my own poetic importance, ...
  7. overinflated - Dictionary of English
    ▷adjective. 1 (of a price or value) excessive. □ exaggerated. 2 filled with too much air. 'overinflated' also found in these Oxford entries: Forum discussions with ...
  8. HP: Autonomy overinflated its accounts and we have to foot the $8 ...
    Nov 20, 2012 ... HP has reported its Q4 and full-year 2012 results, and there's an unpleasant $8.8 bn hit on the balance sheet over alleged serious accounting ...