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payroll burden

This is the total amount needed to pay employees for a certain period of time.

Related information about payroll burden:
  1. How to Calculate Payroll Burdens |
    The calculation for payroll burden begins with the hourly wage of the employee. When calculating the burden for salaried employees, divide the annual wage by ...
  2. What is payroll burden? definition and meaning
    Definition of payroll burden: Total payroll during an accounting period, including payroll taxes.
  3. How to Calculate Payroll Burdens |
    These costs are called payroll or labor burden. Specifically, payroll burden refers to the real cost that you bear for each employee. It includes your liabilities, not ...
  4. Burdened Vs Unburdened Payroll |
    In some industries like construction or other hazardous lines of work, payroll burden may include regulatory items such as training, uniforms or safety equipment.
    PAYROLL BURDEN, in the U.S., includes the cost of your payroll ... For example: $100.00 of payroll earned + 37.56 payroll burden = $137.56 total payroll. -
  6. The Burden of Payroll
    Jun 5, 2006 ... The employer's share of FICA, Medicare, and State and Federal unemployment taxes are common examples of payroll burden, however there ...
  7. Labor Burden (Payroll Burden) - Turtle Creek Software
    How to calculate labor burden, when using Goldenseal job costing software and payroll software.
  8. Savings Calculator
    Contribution Per Month into Bona-Fide Benefit Plan: %. Percentage Payroll Burden: Add elements below to calculate your current payroll burden. FICA: 7.65 % ...