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Before taxes have been deducted.

Related information about pretax:
  1. What does "pretax" mean? - WageWorks
    What does "pretax" mean? Typically, people think about income in terms of gross pay. They'll say things like "I make $65,000 a year" or "My son has a job that ...
  2. Pretax Contribution Definition | Investopedia
    Any contribution made to a designated pension plan, retirement account or other tax deferred investment vehicle where the contribution is made before federal ...
  3. Pretax | Define Pretax at
    prior to the payment of taxes: pretax income; bonds earning 12 percent pretax. Relevant Questions. Are Health Insurance Pre... What Are Pretax Profits?
  4. Pretax Income - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    An individual's total income before he/she pays any income tax or other tax, but after he/she takes deductions. For example, suppose one's salary is $50,000.
  5. What is pretax? definition and meaning
    Definition of pretax: Before taxes have been deducted.
  6. What is pretax
    An amount removed from pay before taxes are deducted. For example, some 401 (k) plans are a pretax contribution - the deduction is made before the taxes are ...
  7. Pretax – Wikipedia
    Pretax on Pohjoismaiden suurin päätoimialanaan taloushallinnon palveluja tuottava yritys. Yhtiö on luotu yhdistämällä useita suurehkoja kirjanpitotoimistoja.
  8. Pretax Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Pretax Group is a Finnish financial administration company, which has headquarters in Helsinki. Pretax's services range from book-keeping to payroll services ...