Exchange Currency

price rate of change (ROC)

A meter that tracks and compares the fluctuation of current price to the same price from a defined set of previous periods. Categorized as a price momentum indicator, the price rate of change takes into account the price of an asset as well as the rate of change and is therefore a highly effective method used by traders to determine an impending decline.The equation for price rate of change is: (p - n) / nWhere: p = current closing price, n = previous closing price

Related information about price rate of change (ROC):
  1. Price Rate Of Change (ROC) Definition | Investopedia
    A technical indicator that measures the percentage change between the most recent price and the price "n" periods in the past. It is calculated by using the ...
  2. Price Rate of Change (ROC) – Technical Indicator
    Jul 3, 2011 ... The Price Rate of Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price of n periods ago.
  3. Price Rate-of-Change - Technical Analysis from A to Z - Equis ...
    The Price Rate-of-Change ("ROC") indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed ...
  4. Rate Of Change of Price (ROC) - stock market,stock trading,day ...
    Price Rate of Change (ROC) · • Stochastic Oscillator (STO) · • % Price Oscillators (PPO) · • Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) · • Moving Average (MA) ...
  5. What is price rate of change (ROC)? definition and meaning
    Definition of price rate of change (ROC): A meter that tracks and compares the fluctuation of current price to the same price from a defined set of previous periods ...
  6. Price Rate of Change - Oscillators - Technical Analysis
    Price Rate of Change (ROC) reflects this ondulatory movement like an oscillator, measuring the difference in prices in a certain period. ROC grows if prices grow ...
  7. Price Rate of Change (ROC) Video 1 of 2 - YouTube
    May 18, 2011 ... The rate of change tool is used to measure how strong a price movement is in its current direction. A great stock analysis and stock charting tool ...
  8. Price Rate of Change (ROC) Video 2 of 2 - YouTube
    May 18, 2011 ... The rate of change tool is used to measure how strong a price movement is in its current direction. A great stock analysis and stock charting tool ...