Exchange Currency

return on revenue (ROR)

Helps determine the profitability of a company, derived by dividing the company's net income by its revenue. ROR is necessary when comparing the profitability of a company from one year to another, which can indicate how well the company is doing.

Related information about return on revenue (ROR):
  1. Return On Revenue (ROR) Definition | Investopedia
    A measure of a corporation's profitability that compares net income to revenue. Return on revenue is calculated by dividing net income by revenue.Return on ...
  2. Return on Revenue (ROR)
    The return on revenue (ROR) is a measure of profitability that compares net income of a company to its revenue. This is a financial tool used to measure the ...
  3. What is return on revenue (ROR)? definition and meaning
    Definition of return on revenue (ROR): Helps determine the profitability of a company, derived by dividing the company's net income by its revenue. ROR is ...
  4. Return On Revenue - ROR: Definition from
    Return On Revenue - ROR A measure of a corporation's profitability, calculated as net income divided by revenue.
  5. Return on Revenue | Maté Tea for the Mind
    Jan 21, 2008 ... Return on Revenue (ROR) is used to determine the profitability of a company by taking Net Income/ Revenue. It is a financial tool used to year ...
  6. return on revenue (ROR) - Chinese translation - English ...
    Translation for 'return on revenue (ROR)' in the free Chinese dictionary. More Chinese translations for: on.
  7. gresham city council agenda item type: guidance ... - City of Gresham
    May 8, 2012 ... composite hauler profit margin or "return on revenue" (ROR). Comparisons of rates, services, and ROR are made with other jurisdictions each ...
  8. What is an average return on investment
    Apr 16, 2012 ... Return on investment (ROI) Return on net assets (RONA) Return on revenue ( ROR), also Return on. Cost of capital. The cost of capital is a term ...