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nounthe act of putting forward an estimate of cost ExampleTo be successful, you must follow the tendering procedure as laid out in the documents.(NoteThe US term is bidding.)

Related information about tendering:
  1. tendering - definition of tendering by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    a. Easily crushed or bruised; fragile: a tender petal. b. Easily chewed or cut: tender beef. 2. Young and vulnerable: of tender age. 3. Frail; delicate. 4. Sensitive to ...
  2. tendering - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    An offer of money; the act by which one individual offers someone who is holding a claim or demand against him or her the amount of money that the offeror ...
  3. Procurement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Procurement may also involve a bidding process i.e.,Tendering. A company may want to purchase a given product or service. If the cost for that product/service ...
  4. Tendering for public sector contracts - GOV.UK
    Oct 22, 2012 ... Part 1: Overview. There may be opportunities for your business to provide goods or services to the public sector, either through a direct contract ...
    2. Overall Perspective of. Procurement Policies. Efficient, effective and transparent procurement systems which reflect the principles of value for money, ...
  6. Lancashire County Council - Welcome to e-Tendering
    e-PPS e-Tendering is a secure and interoperable web-based application which constitutes a total solution for the implementation of electronic procedures in ...
  7. School of Law - “Winning in Tendering” Public Procurement ...
    “Winning in Tendering” is a 3.7 million Euro, 41 month, strategic project aimed at transforming the public tendering experience of Small Indigenous Suppliers ...
  8. Tendering to supply
    Information about borrowing items from the collections of the British Library for public exhibition.