Exchange Currency


The exchange rate as of today for GBP/MVR is GBP per MVR, which means that with 100 British pounds you can buy Maldivian Rufiyaa.

Below you will find information about historical currency exchange rates for GBP/MVR currency pair represented in a history table and an exchange chart. Also, bellow you can read summary information about GBP or MVR currencies.

GBP to MVR exchange rate history

Date Exchange Rate Variation
increased 20,9288000000 +0,3588
increased 20,5700000000 +0,01
decreased 20,5600000000 -0,23
increased 20,7900000000 +0,23
decreased 20,5600000000 -0,11
decreased 20,6700000000 -0,03
increased 20,7000000000 +0,32
decreased 20,3800000000 -0,55
increased 20,9300000000 +0,01
increased 20,9200000000 +0,17
decreased 20,7500000000 -0,31
decreased 21,0600000000 -0,01
increased 21,0700000000 +0,07
increased 21,0000000000 +0,4
increased 20,6000000000 +0,39
increased 20,2100000000 +0,24
decreased 19,9700000000 -0,04
decreased 20,0100000000 -0,15
increased 20,1600000000 +0,19
increased 19,9700000000 +0,23
decreased 19,7400000000 -0,32
decreased 20,0600000000 -0,09
increased 20,1500000000 +0,11
decreased 20,0400000000 -0,17
increased 20,2100000000 +0,14
decreased 20,0700000000 -0,02
decreased 20,0900000000 -0,13
decreased 20,2200000000 -0,06
decreased 20,2800000000 -0,06
decreased 20,3400000000 -0,06
increased 20,4000000000 +0,05
increased 20,3500000000 +0,27
not_changed 20,0800000000 0
decreased 20,0800000000 -0,38
increased 20,4600000000 +0,01
increased 20,4500000000 +0,39
decreased 20,0600000000 -0,26
increased 20,3200000000 +0,01
not_changed 20,3100000000 0
increased 20,3100000000 +0,17
decreased 20,1400000000 -0,11
increased 20,2500000000 +0,35
increased 19,9000000000 +0,03
increased 19,8700000000 +0,17
increased 19,7000000000 +0,02
not_changed 19,6800000000 0
decreased 19,6800000000 -0,4
increased 20,0800000000 +0,2
increased 19,8800000000 +0,1
not_changed 19,7800000000 0
decreased 19,7800000000 -0,35
decreased 20,1300000000 -0,14
decreased 20,2700000000 -0,07
increased 20,3400000000 +0,32
increased 20,0200000000 +0,13
decreased 19,8900000000 -0,13
increased 20,0200000000 +0,07
increased 19,9500000000 +0,18
decreased 19,7700000000 -0,04
increased 19,8100000000 +0,01
not_changed 19,8000000000 0
increased 19,8000000000 +0,07
increased 19,7300000000 +0,45
increased 19,2800000000 +0,1
not_changed 19,1800000000 0
increased 19,1800000000 +0,08
not_changed 19,1000000000 0
decreased 19,1000000000 -0,14
increased 19,2400000000 +0,09
decreased 19,1500000000 -0,06
not_changed 19,2100000000 0
increased 19,2100000000 +0,04
increased 19,1700000000 +0,16
increased 19,0100000000 +0,16
decreased 18,8500000000 -0,04
decreased 18,8900000000 -0,18
decreased 19,0700000000 -0,11
increased 19,1800000000 +0,15
decreased 19,0300000000 -0,33
increased 19,3600000000 +0,07
increased 19,2900000000 +0,17
decreased 19,1200000000 -0,14
decreased 19,2600000000 -0,04
decreased 19,3000000000 -0,08
increased 19,3800000000 +0,06
not_changed 19,3200000000 0
not_changed 19,3200000000 0
increased 19,3200000000 +0,13
increased 19,1900000000 +0,27
increased 18,9200000000 +0,44
decreased 18,4800000000 -0,24
increased 18,7200000000 +0,09
decreased 18,6300000000 -0,06
decreased 18,6900000000 -0,21
not_changed 18,9000000000 0
decreased 18,9000000000 -0,11
not_changed 19,0100000000 0
decreased 19,0100000000 -0,54
increased 19,5500000000 +0,5
decreased 19,0500000000 -0,02
increased 19,0700000000 +0,21
decreased 18,8600000000 -0,4
increased 19,2600000000 +0,3
not_changed 18,9600000000 0
decreased 18,9600000000 -0,12
increased 19,0800000000 +0,59
decreased 18,4900000000 -0,06
decreased 18,5500000000 -0,02
not_changed 18,5700000000 0
decreased 18,5700000000 -0,1
increased 18,6700000000 +0,15
decreased 18,5200000000 -0,31
decreased 18,8300000000 -0,82
decreased 19,6500000000 -0,27
not_changed 19,9200000000 0
decreased 19,9200000000 -0,07
decreased 19,9900000000 -0,24
decreased 20,2300000000 -0,14
increased 20,3700000000 +0,18
increased 20,1900000000 +0,02
increased 20,1700000000 +0,24
decreased 19,9300000000 -0,04
increased 19,9700000000 +0,38
not_changed 19,5900000000 0
not_changed 19,5900000000 0
not_changed 19,5900000000 0
decreased 19,5900000000 -0,07
decreased 19,6600000000 -0,43
increased 20,0900000000 +0,06
increased 20,0300000000 +0,09
increased 19,9400000000 +0,04
increased 19,9000000000 +0,29
decreased 19,6100000000 -0,55
decreased 20,1600000000 -0,3682
decreased 20,5282000000 -0,0108
decreased 20,5390000000 -2,0734
increased 22,6124000000 +0,2663
decreased 22,3461000000 -0,0453
increased 22,3914000000 +0,0673
decreased 22,3241000000 -0,1207
increased 22,4448000000 +0,143
not_changed 22,3018000000 0
increased 22,3018000000 +0,2269
increased 22,0749000000 +0,0051
not_changed 22,0698000000 0
decreased 22,0698000000 -0,1601
increased 22,2299000000 +0,125
decreased 22,1049000000 -0,0197
decreased 22,1246000000 -0,0311
increased 22,1557000000 +0,4015
decreased 21,7542000000 -0,0689
decreased 21,8231000000 -0,03
increased 21,8531000000 +0,211
decreased 21,6421000000 -0,0256
decreased 21,6677000000 -0,2407
increased 21,9084000000 +0,2849
decreased 21,6235000000 -0,0641
decreased 21,6876000000 -0,4623
decreased 22,1499000000 -0,0631
decreased 22,2130000000 -0,0026
increased 22,2156000000 +0,4203
increased 21,7953000000 +0,0326
not_changed 21,7627000000 0
decreased 21,7627000000 -0,0046
increased 21,7673000000 +0,078
increased 21,6893000000 +0,3744
decreased 21,3149000000 -0,1425
decreased 21,4574000000 -0,2077
decreased 21,6651000000 -0,4769
decreased 22,1420000000 -0,0754
increased 22,2174000000 +0,0071
increased 22,2103000000 +0,0031
decreased 22,2072000000 -0,074
not_changed 22,2812000000 0
decreased 22,2812000000 -0,0176
increased 22,2988000000 +0,5495
decreased 21,7493000000 -0,1448
decreased 21,8941000000 -0,01
decreased 21,9041000000 -0,411
decreased 22,3151000000 -0,5279
increased 22,8430000000 +0,0035
decreased 22,8395000000 -0,0932
increased 22,9327000000 +0,0586
decreased 22,8741000000 -0,0169
decreased 22,8910000000 -0,2229
decreased 23,1139000000 -0,0468
decreased 23,1607000000 -0,0766
decreased 23,2373000000 -0,0065
decreased 23,2438000000 -0,0074
increased 23,2512000000 +0,0192
decreased 23,2320000000 -0,2192
decreased 23,4512000000 -0,006
increased 23,4572000000 +0,0456
decreased 23,4116000000 -0,224
increased 23,6356000000 +0,0159
increased 23,6197000000 +0,0988
decreased 23,5209000000 -0,0014
decreased 23,5223000000 -0,1285
decreased 23,6508000000 -0,1993
increased 23,8501000000 +0,1821
not_changed 23,6680000000 0
increased 23,6680000000 +0,1418
increased 23,5262000000 +0,1838
decreased 23,3424000000 -0,07
decreased 23,4124000000 -0,285
increased 23,6974000000 +0,0785
decreased 23,6189000000 -0,5396
increased 24,1585000000 +0,0116
increased 24,1469000000 +0,1356
increased 24,0113000000 +0,0182
increased 23,9931000000 +0,1117
decreased 23,8814000000 -0,5436
increased 24,4250000000 +0,4782
increased 23,9468000000 +0,4574
decreased 23,4894000000 -0,1673
increased 23,6567000000 +0,1802
not_changed 23,4765000000 0
Please note that GBP to MVR currency exchange rate historical information is renewed every 3 hours. Last update was at . To view last currency exchange rate updates, visit currency rates page.

British pound to Maldivian Rufiyaa exchange chart

Note: The British pound to Maldivian Rufiyaa chart allow you to see for free currency exchange rate graph history for the GBP/MVR currency pair. Currently, the currency chart shows historical exchange rates for British pound per 1 Maldivian Rufiyaa pair for a period of 1072 days.


The pound sterling, commonly called the pound, is the official currency of the United Kingdom, its Crown Dependencies and the British Overseas Territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, British Antarctic Territory and Tristan da Cunha. It is subdivided into 100 pence (singular: penny).


The rufiyaa is the currency of the Maldives. Determining the rate for the US Dollar and the issuance of the currency is controlled by the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA). The most commonly used symbols for the rufiyaa are MRF and Rf. The ISO 4217 code for Maldivian rufiyaa is MVR. The rufiyaa is subdivided into 100 laari.