Exchange Currency


The exchange rate as of today for HNL/CAD is HNL per CAD, which means that with 100 Honduran lempiras you can buy Canadian dollars.

Below you will find information about historical currency exchange rates for HNL/CAD currency pair represented in a history table and an exchange chart. Also, bellow you can read summary information about HNL or CAD currencies.

HNL to CAD exchange rate history

Date Exchange Rate Variation
Please note that HNL to CAD currency exchange rate historical information is renewed every 3 hours. Last update was at . To view last currency exchange rate updates, visit currency rates page.

Honduran lempir to Canadian dollar exchange chart

Note: The Honduran lempir to Canadian dollar chart allow you to see for free currency exchange rate graph history for the HNL/CAD currency pair. Currently, the currency chart shows historical exchange rates for Honduran lempir per 1 Canadian dollar pair for a period of 0 days.


The lempiras is the currency of Honduras. It is subdivided into 100 centavos. The lempira was named after the 16th-century cacique Lempira, a ruler of the indigenous Lenca people, who is renowned in Honduran folklore for leading the (ultimately unsuccessful) local native resistance against the Spanish conquistador forces. He is a national hero, and is honoured on both the 1 lempira note and the 20 and 50 centavos coins.


The Canadian dollar is the currency of Canada. It is abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or C$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. It is divided into 100 cents.