Exchange Currency


The exchange rate as of today for HUF/RSD is HUF per RSD, which means that with 100 Hungarian forints you can buy Serbian dinars.

Below you will find information about historical currency exchange rates for HUF/RSD currency pair represented in a history table and an exchange chart. Also, bellow you can read summary information about HUF or RSD currencies.

HUF to RSD exchange rate history

Date Exchange Rate Variation
Please note that HUF to RSD currency exchange rate historical information is renewed every 3 hours. Last update was at . To view last currency exchange rate updates, visit currency rates page.

Hungarian forint to Serbian dinar exchange chart

Note: The Hungarian forint to Serbian dinar chart allow you to see for free currency exchange rate graph history for the HUF/RSD currency pair. Currently, the currency chart shows historical exchange rates for Hungarian forint per 1 Serbian dinar pair for a period of 0 days.


The forint is the currency of Hungary. It is divided into 100 fillér, although fillér coins are no longer in circulation. The introduction of the forint on 1 August 1946 was a crucial step of the post-WWII stabilization of the Hungarian economy, and the currency remained relatively stable until the 1980s. Transition to market economy in the early 1990s deteriorated the value of the forint, inflation peaked at 35% in 1991. Since 2001, inflation is single digit and the forint was declared fully convertible. As a member of the European Union, the long term aim of the Hungarian government is to replace the forint with the euro.


The dinar is the currency of Serbia. An earlier dinar was used in Serbia between 1868 and 1918. The earliest use of the dinar dates back to 1214.