Exchange Currency


The exchange rate as of today for MVR/HUF is MVR per HUF, which means that with 100 Maldivian Rufiyaa you can buy Hungarian forints.

Below you will find information about historical currency exchange rates for MVR/HUF currency pair represented in a history table and an exchange chart. Also, bellow you can read summary information about MVR or HUF currencies.

MVR to HUF exchange rate history

Date Exchange Rate Variation
increased 17,1818000000 +0,0238
increased 17,1580000000 +0,0128
decreased 17,1452000000 -0,1753
increased 17,3205000000 +0,4746
increased 16,8459000000 +0,0623
decreased 16,7836000000 -0,3513
increased 17,1349000000 +0,0026
decreased 17,1323000000 -0,0243
increased 17,1566000000 +0,1572
decreased 16,9994000000 -0,2792
increased 17,2786000000 +0,0156
increased 17,2630000000 +0,3106
decreased 16,9524000000 -0,2046
decreased 17,1570000000 -0,1275
increased 17,2845000000 +0,4194
decreased 16,8651000000 -0,0027
increased 16,8678000000 +0,2433
decreased 16,6245000000 -0,0432
decreased 16,6677000000 -0,003
increased 16,6707000000 +0,0064
not_changed 16,6643000000 0
decreased 16,6643000000 -0,0497
decreased 16,7140000000 -0,0536
increased 16,7676000000 +0,0414
increased 16,7262000000 +0,0115
not_changed 16,7147000000 0
increased 16,7147000000 +0,0137
increased 16,7010000000 +0,1662
decreased 16,5348000000 -0,0409
not_changed 16,5757000000 0
decreased 16,5757000000 -0,1962
increased 16,7719000000 +0,0737
decreased 16,6982000000 -0,0675
decreased 16,7657000000 -0,0101
decreased 16,7758000000 -0,0425
increased 16,8183000000 +0,0449
decreased 16,7734000000 -0,0019
increased 16,7753000000 +0,0359
decreased 16,7394000000 -0,0722
decreased 16,8116000000 -0,0812
increased 16,8928000000 +0,0038
increased 16,8890000000 +0,0416
increased 16,8474000000 +0,1208
decreased 16,7266000000 -0,0889
not_changed 16,8155000000 0
increased 16,8155000000 +0,2064
decreased 16,6091000000 -0,0446
decreased 16,6537000000 -0,0482
decreased 16,7019000000 -0,1669
increased 16,8688000000 +0,0414
decreased 16,8274000000 -0,022
decreased 16,8494000000 -0,187
not_changed 17,0364000000 0
decreased 17,0364000000 -0,0456
decreased 17,0820000000 -0,1802
decreased 17,2622000000 -0,0597
decreased 17,3219000000 -0,0067
decreased 17,3286000000 -0,0491
decreased 17,3777000000 -0,1963
decreased 17,5740000000 -0,0157
decreased 17,5897000000 -0,013
decreased 17,6027000000 -0,0462
decreased 17,6489000000 -0,0254
decreased 17,6743000000 -0,288
not_changed 17,9623000000 0
decreased 17,9623000000 -0,0299
increased 17,9922000000 +0,1235
decreased 17,8687000000 -0,0006
increased 17,8693000000 +0,0258
not_changed 17,8435000000 0
decreased 17,8435000000 -0,0169
increased 17,8604000000 +0,1115
decreased 17,7489000000 -0,0855
decreased 17,8344000000 -0,0378
decreased 17,8722000000 -0,0284
increased 17,9006000000 +0,1
decreased 17,8006000000 -0,0675
decreased 17,8681000000 -0,0261
increased 17,8942000000 +0,0143
decreased 17,8799000000 -0,5277
decreased 18,4076000000 -0,1535
increased 18,5611000000 +0,0251
increased 18,5360000000 +0,0162
increased 18,5198000000 +0,114
not_changed 18,4058000000 0
decreased 18,4058000000 -0,1228
decreased 18,5286000000 -0,1789
increased 18,7075000000 +0,0209
increased 18,6866000000 +0,1694
decreased 18,5172000000 -0,4444
not_changed 18,9616000000 0
decreased 18,9616000000 -0,0813
increased 19,0429000000 +0,0234
increased 19,0195000000 +0,0384
decreased 18,9811000000 -0,0469
decreased 19,0280000000 -0,015
increased 19,0430000000 +0,0209
increased 19,0221000000 +0,0422
decreased 18,9799000000 -0,1422
increased 19,1221000000 +0,02
increased 19,1021000000 +0,0924
decreased 19,0097000000 -0,1322
increased 19,1419000000 +0,049
increased 19,0929000000 +0,2015
increased 18,8914000000 +0,038
increased 18,8534000000 +0,0522
increased 18,8012000000 +0,0312
decreased 18,7700000000 -0,0071
increased 18,7771000000 +0,0942
increased 18,6829000000 +0,0643
increased 18,6186000000 +0,069
decreased 18,5496000000 -0,0182
decreased 18,5678000000 -0,0919
not_changed 18,6597000000 0
increased 18,6597000000 +0,0136
decreased 18,6461000000 -0,1442
decreased 18,7903000000 -0,3402
decreased 19,1305000000 -0,0687
decreased 19,1992000000 -0,0372
increased 19,2364000000 +0,2111
increased 19,0253000000 +0,0182
increased 19,0071000000 +0,1388
decreased 18,8683000000 -0,1129
increased 18,9812000000 +0,0111
decreased 18,9701000000 -0,0007
increased 18,9708000000 +0,0324
increased 18,9384000000 +0,0857
decreased 18,8527000000 -0,0297
decreased 18,8824000000 -0,1117
increased 18,9941000000 +0,0227
increased 18,9714000000 +0,0832
decreased 18,8882000000 -0,0073
increased 18,8955000000 +0,0276
decreased 18,8679000000 -0,0275
increased 18,8954000000 +0,0551
increased 18,8403000000 +0,1211
increased 18,7192000000 +0,0006
decreased 18,7186000000 -0,0927
decreased 18,8113000000 -0,0951
not_changed 18,9064000000 0
not_changed 18,9064000000 0
increased 18,9064000000 +0,0493
increased 18,8571000000 +0,1212
decreased 18,7359000000 -0,0282
decreased 18,7641000000 -0,23
increased 18,9941000000 +0,0162
decreased 18,9779000000 -0,1104
decreased 19,0883000000 -0,0071
decreased 19,0954000000 -0,2529
increased 19,3483000000 +0,104
decreased 19,2443000000 -0,044
increased 19,2883000000 +0,0292
not_changed 19,2591000000 0
increased 19,2591000000 +0,0075
decreased 19,2516000000 -0,1297
increased 19,3813000000 +0,0037
decreased 19,3776000000 -0,069
not_changed 19,4466000000 0
increased 19,4466000000 +0,3274
decreased 19,1192000000 -0,1324
decreased 19,2516000000 -0,049
increased 19,3006000000 +0,236
decreased 19,0646000000 -0,1572
increased 19,2218000000 +0,0975
increased 19,1243000000 +0,0802
increased 19,0441000000 +0,0688
not_changed 18,9753000000 0
decreased 18,9753000000 -0,1205
decreased 19,0958000000 -0,0065
increased 19,1023000000 +0,3578
increased 18,7445000000 +0,133
increased 18,6115000000 +0,0193
increased 18,5922000000 +0,7403
decreased 17,8519000000 -0,2374
decreased 18,0893000000 -0,0075
decreased 18,0968000000 -0,3275
increased 18,4243000000 +0,7281
decreased 17,6962000000 -0,1385
not_changed 17,8347000000 0
increased 17,8347000000 +0,1019
decreased 17,7328000000 -0,02
decreased 17,7528000000 -0,2105
decreased 17,9633000000 -0,0045
increased 17,9678000000 +0,0299
increased 17,9379000000 +0,0046
decreased 17,9333000000 -0,0534
increased 17,9867000000 +0,0265
decreased 17,9602000000 -0,0264
increased 17,9866000000 +0,1388
increased 17,8478000000 +0,0224
decreased 17,8254000000 -0,0106
not_changed 17,8360000000 0
increased 17,8360000000 +0,0019
decreased 17,8341000000 -0,2418
decreased 18,0759000000 -0,1286
decreased 18,2045000000 -0,3979
increased 18,6024000000 +0,057
decreased 18,5454000000 -0,0212
increased 18,5666000000 +0,0146
decreased 18,5520000000 -0,0987
increased 18,6507000000 +0,2732
decreased 18,3775000000 -0,0657
not_changed 18,4432000000 0
increased 18,4432000000 +0,3167
increased 18,1265000000 +0,1314
decreased 17,9951000000 -0,1253
increased 18,1204000000 +0,0338
increased 18,0866000000 +0,398
decreased 17,6886000000 -0,0738
decreased 17,7624000000 -0,1186
decreased 17,8810000000 -0,3469
decreased 18,2279000000 -0,1734
increased 18,4013000000 +0,151
not_changed 18,2503000000 0
decreased 18,2503000000 -0,118
increased 18,3683000000 +0,2996
increased 18,0687000000 +0,2023
decreased 17,8664000000 -0,117
decreased 17,9834000000 -0,0179
increased 18,0013000000 +0,0761
increased 17,9252000000 +0,1467
decreased 17,7785000000 -0,0947
not_changed 17,8732000000 0
increased 17,8732000000 +0,1082
decreased 17,7650000000 -0,1731
decreased 17,9381000000 -0,313
increased 18,2511000000 +0,3351
decreased 17,9160000000 -0,3428
increased 18,2588000000 +0,1821
decreased 18,0767000000 -0,3818
increased 18,4585000000 +0,1927
decreased 18,2658000000 -0,2972
increased 18,5630000000 +0,2203
increased 18,3427000000 +0,3134
decreased 18,0293000000 -0,0081
increased 18,0374000000 +0,1132
decreased 17,9242000000 -0,0954
decreased 18,0196000000 -0,7185
increased 18,7381000000 +0,0463
increased 18,6918000000 +0,0425
decreased 18,6493000000 -0,203
increased 18,8523000000 +0,0408
increased 18,8115000000 +0,2064
decreased 18,6051000000 -0,1586
not_changed 18,7637000000 0
increased 18,7637000000 +0,0635
decreased 18,7002000000 -0,1211
decreased 18,8213000000 -0,0022
increased 18,8235000000 +0,1215
increased 18,7020000000 +0,04
decreased 18,6620000000 -0,4771
increased 19,1391000000 +0,0058
decreased 19,1333000000 -0,011
increased 19,1443000000 +0,2717
increased 18,8726000000 +0,0483
decreased 18,8243000000 -0,0316
decreased 18,8559000000 -0,2259
increased 19,0818000000 +0,2841
increased 18,7977000000 +0,3425
increased 18,4552000000 +0,1284
increased 18,3268000000 +0,5992
decreased 17,7276000000 -0,1087
decreased 17,8363000000 -0,0402
decreased 17,8765000000 -0,2966
decreased 18,1731000000 -0,0347
decreased 18,2078000000 -0,0524
increased 18,2602000000 +0,023
increased 18,2372000000 +0,041
decreased 18,1962000000 -0,0918
decreased 18,2880000000 -0,0403
not_changed 18,3283000000 0
increased 18,3283000000 +0,0133
increased 18,3150000000 +0,1179
increased 18,1971000000 +0,2766
not_changed 17,9205000000 0
decreased 17,9205000000 -0,0994
increased 18,0199000000 +0,0248
decreased 17,9951000000 -0,2318
increased 18,2269000000 +0,1084
increased 18,1185000000 +0,3518
increased 17,7667000000 +0,2117
decreased 17,5550000000 -0,2566
decreased 17,8116000000 -0,1436
decreased 17,9552000000 -0,2287
decreased 18,1839000000 -0,0521
increased 18,2360000000 +0,0575
decreased 18,1785000000 -0,2296
not_changed 18,4081000000 0
decreased 18,4081000000 -0,0565
increased 18,4646000000 +0,2825
decreased 18,1821000000 -0,1888
increased 18,3709000000 +0,2276
decreased 18,1433000000 -0,2599
decreased 18,4032000000 -0,0503
increased 18,4535000000 +0,0321
decreased 18,4214000000 -0,1205
increased 18,5419000000 +0,1708
increased 18,3711000000 +0,0944
increased 18,2767000000 +0,1214
decreased 18,1553000000 -0,2858
increased 18,4411000000 +0,5038
increased 17,9373000000 +0,0885
decreased 17,8488000000 -0,1671
increased 18,0159000000 +0,0757
decreased 17,9402000000 -0,4051
increased 18,3453000000 +0,0632
increased 18,2821000000 +0,1363
increased 18,1458000000 +0,0079
increased 18,1379000000 +0,1717
increased 17,9662000000 +0,416
decreased 17,5502000000 -0,103
decreased 17,6532000000 -0,2649
decreased 17,9181000000 -1,0276
increased 18,9457000000 +1,3141
decreased 17,6316000000 -0,3241
decreased 17,9557000000 -0,0687
increased 18,0244000000 +1,2194
increased 16,8050000000 +0,5496
increased 16,2554000000 +0,4365
decreased 15,8189000000 -0,2996
increased 16,1185000000 +0,3078
decreased 15,8107000000 -0,2662
increased 16,0769000000 +0,3012
increased 15,7757000000 +0,0093
decreased 15,7664000000 -0,0449
increased 15,8113000000 +0,1013
increased 15,7100000000 +0,3113
increased 15,3987000000 +0,1357
decreased 15,2630000000 -0,1026
increased 15,3656000000 +0,0352
increased 15,3304000000 +0,5162
increased 14,8142000000 +0,036
decreased 14,7782000000 -0,0335
decreased 14,8117000000 -0,0123
increased 14,8240000000 +0,1202
increased 14,7038000000 +0,3588
decreased 14,3450000000 -0,0304
increased 14,3754000000 +0,0097
decreased 14,3657000000 -0,1414
increased 14,5071000000 +0,406
decreased 14,1011000000 -0,5253
increased 14,6264000000 +0,1947
decreased 14,4317000000 -0,0028
increased 14,4345000000 +0,3606
decreased 14,0739000000 -0,1633
not_changed 14,2372000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
not_changed 0,0000000000 0
Please note that MVR to HUF currency exchange rate historical information is renewed every 3 hours. Last update was at . To view last currency exchange rate updates, visit currency rates page.

Maldivian Rufiyaa to Hungarian forint exchange chart

Note: The Maldivian Rufiyaa to Hungarian forint chart allow you to see for free currency exchange rate graph history for the MVR/HUF currency pair. Currently, the currency chart shows historical exchange rates for Maldivian Rufiyaa per 1 Hungarian forint pair for a period of 2051 days.


The rufiyaa is the currency of the Maldives. Determining the rate for the US Dollar and the issuance of the currency is controlled by the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA). The most commonly used symbols for the rufiyaa are MRF and Rf. The ISO 4217 code for Maldivian rufiyaa is MVR. The rufiyaa is subdivided into 100 laari.


The forint is the currency of Hungary. It is divided into 100 fillér, although fillér coins are no longer in circulation. The introduction of the forint on 1 August 1946 was a crucial step of the post-WWII stabilization of the Hungarian economy, and the currency remained relatively stable until the 1980s. Transition to market economy in the early 1990s deteriorated the value of the forint, inflation peaked at 35% in 1991. Since 2001, inflation is single digit and the forint was declared fully convertible. As a member of the European Union, the long term aim of the Hungarian government is to replace the forint with the euro.